Planning the new Shkodra

Planning the new Shkodra

150 150 Armela Reka

Planning the new Shkodra

ISBN: 978-9928-4459-9-5
DOI: 10.37199/o41004109
SKU: 2959-4081

Author: Amanda Terpo, Ledio Allkja
Affiliation:  Polis University

Over the last decade, the planning approach in Albania is changing from an urbanistic to a more comprehensive, integrated planning approach (Toto, 2012) (Allkja, 2017). The “reform” was initiated in 2007 with the start of the preparation of a new legislation on “Territorial Planning”. It culminated in 2009 with the approval of law 10911 “On Territorial Planning”, and subsequently in 2014 with law 107/2014 on “Territorial Planning and Development” (Toto, 2012). Of course, to change the legislation is not the only issue as planning practice and the institutionalization of a new planning culture takes time and is an incremental process of continuous change (Allkja, 2017). Thus planning changes from a “technical and regulatory” discipline towards a socio-political process of policy making in support of better territorial governance and territorial development. Afterall, planning as a profession, by nature is subject to continuous changes based on territorial, social, economic and environmental challenges. Decentralization is also one of the main reforms going on in Albania which impacts territorial governance and spatial planning. In 2013, a new territorial administrative reform was started aiming at the consolidation of local governance (Ministri i Ceshtjeve Vendore, 2015). As part of this reform from 373 Municipalities (urban) and Communes (rural) local governance in Albania was “reduced” to 61 Municipalities composed from urban and rural territories (Ministri i Ceshtjeve Vendore, 2015). This reform has great implications for planning and supports the change in approach from “urbanism” towards comprehensive and integrated.

Publisher: Polis_press

Reference List

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