Projecting Shkodra / description

Projecting Shkodra / description

150 150 Armela Reka

Projecting Shkodra / description

ISBN: 978-9928-4459-9-5
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Coordinators / Prof PhD Besnik Aliaj, PhD Loris Rossi, PhD Ledian Bregasi
Tutors / Artan Kacani, Enrico Porfido
PhD students / Sara Codarin, Kejt Dhrami, Valentina Frighi, Gian Andrea Giacobone,
Eranda Janku, Gerdi Papa, Giuseppe Resta, Saimir Shtylla, James Stevens
Affiliation:  Polis University

The international PhD POLIS/Ferrara in Architecture and Urban Planning, organize for the 32nd cycle a new Workshop trying to explore deeper, some of the recent research fields already active in the previous years within the Department of Applied Research (OMB) Observatory of the Mediterranean Basin FKHZ Faculty at POLIS University. Base of the discussion for this year it will be the idea to develop a critical and analytical capacity of each PhD student to find, within a given planning project, tools able to generate new architecture design processes for the future development of Shkoder city in Albania. Following the previous experiences, elaborated during the past International joint PhD POLIS/Ferrara – e.g. Albania 2030 (2014), Durana project (2014), Albania Riviera (2015) and When the River Flows (2016) - it is now the moment to deeply investigate, the city of Shkoder, one of the most important city of north Albania, which in the last year it has been studied by POLIS University to develop the new Regulatory Plan (see attached pdf). Despite been an important historical centre, the entire municipality of Shkoder is located in a specific geographic spot where the main morphologic characterized is defined by an urban development in between river, lake and sea. In order to continue the planning project proposal by POLIS University, the next step is to shrink, select and projecting in the future hidden relevance already present in the Shkoder Urban and Landscape patters.
At PhD student will be ask to elaborate a critical though on a specific quadrant belong of the Municipality of Shkoder trying to generate consistent architectural design concept in a way to open new theoretical debates and to elaborate proposal for the future development of Shkoder.

Publisher: Polis_press