Local disaster reduction in the municipality of Lezha

Local disaster reduction in the municipality of Lezha

150 150 Sadmira Malaj

Local disaster reduction in the municipality of Lezha

ISBN: 978-9928-347-10-7
DOI: 10.37199/o41008203
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Dr. Doc. Merita Guri
Affiliation: POLIS University

Publisher: Polis_press

Reference List 

Charleson A. (2008) “Seismic Design for Architects”. Elsevier Ltd Jordan Hill, Oxford

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Department of Architecture and Engineering, Polis University (2019). “Today’s challenges of construction industry and resilience to natural hazards international symposium” POLIS press ISSN: 978-92-1-132266-8

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Kondi I. (2013) “Perdorimi i fibrave polimere (Fiber reinforced polymer- FRP) per perforcimin dhe pershtatjen sizmike te strukturave beton arme”. PhD thesis

Lezhe Municipality (2016), “Analiza dhe vleresimi i thelluar i territorit te Bashkise Lezhe”