The Road to change, transformation through infrastructure. The development of Prishtina city through infrastructure

The Road to change, transformation through infrastructure. The development of Prishtina city through infrastructure

150 150 Armela Reka

The Road to change, transformation through infrastructure. The development of Prishtina city

ISBN: 978-9928-4563-0-4
DOI: 10.37199/o41005111
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Amanda Terpo
Affiliation:  Polis University

Prishtina is experiencing a boom of development and the city is expending rapidly. The new development is creating new residential neighborhoods with no planning standards and no quality spaces for its citizens. The cities connection through infrastructure has played a big role in the expansion process orienting the sprawl towards the main axes creating new economic
areas. Infrastructure can be a vector connection within the cities system. This vector connection can be an activating agent into connecting spaces, improving mobility and social spaces. Infrastructure is vital not only to the cities inner connection but to the development of economies and cultural connection. For cities investing in infrastructure and development is a complex task involving many actors. The planning process is strategically oriented toward best scenarios and best practices. There are many models and instruments that help cities to introduce these transformations in the best way for the context. Instrument and models of transport are different for every context, but the process of planning for the city of Prishtina is a challenging scene, since the city has no previous planning in motion and the rapid development process is continuing to happened, using instruments to develop a transport vision might be the only way for the city to manage its needs. The main aim of this research is to comprehend the role of infrastructure for the city of Prishtina, evaluating the impact of this infrastructure to current expansion and future development that the city will face.

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