Prishtina as Part of Main Transport Corridors. The role of Route 6 and Route 7 for the city

Prishtina as Part of Main Transport Corridors. The role of Route 6 and Route 7 for the city

150 150 Armela Reka

Prishtina as Part of Main Transport Corridors. The role of Route 6 and Route 7 for the city

ISBN: 978-9928-4563-0-4
DOI: 10.37199/o41005112
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Besjana Qaja
Affiliation:  Polis University

In the region of South-Eastern Europe in the last decade major investments have been done in the field of road transport among other investments, which contributed in the rise of quality for the citizens. These investments of course, influence required standards by the European Union. Kosova , as part of this region, is doing its part to be closer to meeting the standards. After the war (1999) Kosova has made significant investments in road infrastructure in rise of the quality through widening in different sections, financed by international organizations. Kosova has a good geographic position in the Balkan Peninsula through which two international roads pass. Route 6 of East Europe, which starts at Corridor VIII in Skopje, goes through Ferizaj, Prishtina and then separates into two directions: one towards Mitrovica and the other through Peja. Southeast Europe, Route 7 starts in Durres and passes through Morine border and through Prizren, Suhareka, Prishtina, Merdane border, then passes in Serbia and connects with Corridor X. Apart from these two routes that have an international character, Kosova with neighboring countries is connected with national, regional and local roads. Kosova and Albania are linked via three roads, two national roads and a regional road. Kosova connects with Montenegro
through two roads, one of them is regional (Vitomerice-Rozhaje). With Serbia it connects through six national roads and with Macedonia it is connected through two national roads, one with destination Skopje and the other with destination Tetovo. Kosova until now has very well dispersed the national and regional road network. The plans of Ministry of Infrastructure until 2025 are defined by the Multimodal Transport Strategy. In this strategy the road projects have come out as a result of the traffic which is surveyed in the road network of Kosova . Route 6 and Route 7 has a big importance for Kosova and especially for Prishtina. Route 6 passes near Prishtina and connects it with Ferizaj and Peja, then it connects Kosova with Corridor VIII in Skopje. Route 7 connects it with Prizren and Podujeva, this road is very important because it links many parts of Albania and Kosova with national Corridor X in Nish of Serbia. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of the Route 6 and Route 7 for Prishtina as a new European capital and the public transport and mobility integration to avoid the issues in the city. Furthermore, it is necessary to create a full meaning of the position of Prishtina in relation with Corridor X and Corridor VIII as part of them in indirect way, but very important for both. Particularly at the end of the paper will be mentioned why the achievement of the quality of these main arteries for Kosova and Prishtina should be started from the lowest level to be integrated in the international network.

Publisher: Polis_press

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