Summary of Findings from the Evaluation of the Current Periphery Building Environment for Lezha City&s Future Vision. ILDA RUSI

Summary of Findings from the Evaluation of the Current Periphery Building Environment for Lezha City&s Future Vision. ILDA RUSI

150 150 Sadmira Malaj

Summary of Findings from the Evaluation of the Current Periphery Building Environment ILDA RUSI

ISBN: 978-9928-347-10-7
DOI: 10.37199/o41008103
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Dr. Ilda Rusi
Affiliation: POLIS University

The city of Lezha has been traced along the Drini's riverbanks since antiquity, not far from its estuary. There are two different hills to the east of this territory, each with ruins of historical defences. Lezha's historical role as a well- fortified harbour was characterized by its geographical location. It has always been separated into two parts, the upper and lower city, due to its location. As a result of uncontrolled urban development after the 1990s and the phenomena it brought as a result in the territory, such as urban dispersal, extinction or damage to public spaces, construction in areas of sensitive natural and agricultural lands, as well as the endangerment of specific ecosystems, harmonization of sustainable urban development, appears to be necessary as a priority action. Sustainable urban development attempts to provide a high quality of life for all residents and users in urban areas by providing public services that meet certain criteria. The plan establishes the norms, conditions, and necessary criteria for development and well-being through hierarchization, consolidation, specialization, and centre regeneration, ensuring the construction of sustainable communities and the preservation of cultural and traditional values.

Publisher: Polis_press

Reference List 

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