Management roots back to the city walls. History, present, and future. Assoc. Prof. Xhimi HYSA, Dr. Shefqet SUPARAKU

Management roots back to the city walls. History, present, and future. Assoc. Prof. Xhimi HYSA, Dr. Shefqet SUPARAKU

150 150 Sadmira Malaj
DOI: DOI: 10.37199/c41000105

Author: Assoc. Prof. Xhimi HYSA, Dr. Shefqet SUPARAKU
Affiliation: POLIS University

The terms “manager” and “management” are frequently used in the daily communication. Given the universality trait of management, then every type of organization needs managers and man- agement. Principles of management have remained solid over time, and over all organization- al types. Fundamentals are fundamentals; what changes is the organizational mission, strategy, structure, and culture. The latter make the specific vocabulary of a defined organization. Thus, if principles have remained unchanged, what has changed is how managers respond to environ- mental dynamics and complexity in face of uncertainty. While technology, in one side has been showing itself as problem solver, on the other side has created new complexity conditions to deal with. This makes present and future more intriguing, while extends an invitation to managers to reflect through new lens. The importance of management is historically related to the territory. Not only, but the first organizational position where the term “manager” found a place was the city. Thus, the denomination “city manager” brings the institution of management back to the city walls. This paper makes an effort to harmonize together history, present, and future of city man- agement from an interdisciplinary perspective. It aims to reconcile the good management practic- es of the city by reviving the past as a timeframe of Chronos and Aion, exploiting the opportunities of the present from a Cairos time perspective, and imagining the future as a miscellaneous time Chronos-Aion-Cairos. This study considers the city as a viable system (i.e., a living territory) and a service system, able to survive and reproduce itself by being a service provider to its citizens. All these exchanges happen in complex feedback loops as facilitated by artificial intelligence and virtual reality. This metaverse perspective makes the case for “city-verse” and the emergent figure of “city-verse manager”.

Publisher: Polis_press


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