From the global city to the city by parts. A reflection on the meaning of the contemporary city starting from the case of Prishtina ANTONELLO STELLA

From the global city to the city by parts. A reflection on the meaning of the contemporary city starting from the case of Prishtina ANTONELLO STELLA

150 150 Armela Reka

From the global city to the city by parts. A. STELLA

ISBN: 978-9928-4563-0-4
DOI: 10.37199/o41005104
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Antonello Stella
Affiliation:  University of Ferrara

The opportunity to reflect on the city of Prishtina is inspired by my participation as a visiting professor at the workshop organized within the course Study and Theory of Architecture 3, at the Polis University of Tirana1, dedicated to its regeneration through some focused urban recovery projects in strategic areas of the city. However, this particular occasion gave me the opportunity to reflect on one of the issues that I believe are currently the most debated among architects and experts dealing with reading and interpreting the contemporary city, or the now decreed impossibility on the part of the same to understand it in its complexity. This "impossibility" brings with it as a direct consequence the end of every possible generalizing theory on the city and on the possible rules to be put in place in order to be able to govern a coherent future development,

Publisher: Polis_press

Reference List 

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Hilberseimer L. (Original edition 1927) (1998) “Groszstadt Archtektur. L’Architettura della Grande Città”, Italian Ed. Clean, Milano

Le Corbusier (1945) Maniere de penser l’urbanisme, Gonthier Ed. Paris

Rossi A. (1966) L’architettura della città, Marsilio ed. Milano

Jencks C. (1977) The language of post-modern architecture, London

Kolhaas R.(1978) Delirous New York, Thames and Hudson ed. New York

Lyotard J.F. (1979) La Condition postmoderne: rapport sur le savoir, Les éditions de minuit Ed. Paris

Bauman Z. (2000) Liquid modernity, Polity Pr. Ed. Cambridge