Forum A+P Vol.10
POLIS University publishes the “Forum A+P” journal, the only scientific and cultural magazine in the Albanian –speaking countries for the fields of architecture and territory planning. This magazine is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee and has an ISSN international registration code in France. The magazine is published in Albanian and English language and contains a package of scientific, informative articles and analysis.
Tirana dhe roli i “imag jinatës urbane” në transformimin e saj.
Nga g jenezat tek modeli metropolitan
Sotir Dhamo
Edhe njëherë për Projektin “Ti-Rama”
Besnik Aliaj
Për çfarë duhet një arkitekt ?!
Elvan Dajko
Vilat e Tiranës në harkun kohor midis dy luftërave botërore
Dr.Vera Bushati & Ernest Shtëpani
The “Greater” Balkan City
Elona Karafili
Shkëmbime Sub-Urbane Mikro ndërhyrje për të rivitalizuar
qytetet bashkëkohore në ballkan
Ledian Bregasi
An architecture without architects The self-organized
parasite organisms in the architecture of the city of Tirana
Ledian Bregasi
City “Branding” the new image of Tirana
Eno Barjami