Finding Local Stone for Façade Renewal in Finiq, Albania

Finding Local Stone for Façade Renewal in Finiq, Albania

150 150 Sadmira Malaj
ISBN: 978-9928-347-15-2
DOI: 10.37199/o41009123

Finding Local Stone for Façade Renewal in Finiq, Albania

Author: Antonello Aquilano
Affiliation: PhD IDAUP/ Ferrara University

The municipality of Finiq, located in southern Albania, is grappling with a multitude of challenges, including a declining population, isolation, and a diminishing sense of community identity. The town is marked by abandoned buildings and a lack of uniformity among the in- habited structures, resulting in an identity-less appearance. Recognizing the significant impact of facade aesthetics on residents’ perception of the urban landscape, and acknowledging the historical bond between humans and stone, this study aims to identify a local stone for facade renovation in Finiq to enhance the homogeneity of the buildings’ appearance, to contribute to addressing the important issues affecting the town of Finiq. The research methodology involved a comprehensive review of scientific literature pertaining to regional geology, stra- tigraphy, rock type quality, and the accessibility and proximity of the site under investigation. Limestone, abundant in the region and historically associated with the village of Finiq, has been identified as a potentially suitable building stone for this town.

Keywords: Finiq Municipality, Geo-resources, Quarry, Limestone, Façade.

Publisher: Polis_press


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