The Architecture of Hospitals. Learning From the Past. Franklind JESKU

The Architecture of Hospitals. Learning From the Past. Franklind JESKU

150 150 Sadmira Malaj
DOI: 10.37199/c41000110

Author: Ph.D. Candidate. Franklind JESKU
Affiliation: POLIS University

Reading architecture through resilient witnesses like hospitals or healthcare facilities offers a tool for unlocking the elemental and generative principles of architecture and how architecture builds societies and vice versa.

Every social class is treated by hospitals in that specific historical time. Medicine, healthcare, and habitations are interrelated keys to exploring how this infrastructure can help to heal and the con- tribution of resilience in the architecture’s role in shaping our society and its health. In this light health is considered a human right.

Consequently, hospitals influence individual behaviors in advancing human rights. This paper is part of a theoretical framework over the archetype and organization form of the hospital architec- ture. For many years, the issue of form composition in architecture has been overridden in favor of a series of studies on phenomenology or information, ignoring the fundamental issue of the disci- pline of architecture, which is precisely related to the organization of form. Nowadays, the essence of composition in architecture often dominates our profession's fundamental principles. The subject of this paper is a historical excursus of hospital and their relation to the specific context and historical period. the formal organization of hospital architecture is analyzed and studied in the functional, tectonic, and compositional plans. This research tries to find the balanced con- nections between form, function, and composition in hospital design, considering their context and history. Beyond technicalities, this study focuses on understanding how the organization of a hospital can impact the function of a hospital, healing, and well-being. The investigation starts with a historical overview: how have hospitals changed and evolved over time, and what can we learn from the most important examples of each era in the past?

Publisher: Polis_press


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