Forum A+P Vol.14

Forum A+P Vol.14

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Forum A+P Vol.14

Book Cover: Forum A+P Vol.14

POLIS University publishes the “Forum A+P” journal, the only scientific and cultural magazine in the Albanian –speaking countries for the fields of architecture and territory planning. This magazine is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee and has an ISSN international registration code in France. The magazine is published in Albanian and English language and contains a package of scientific, informative articles and analysis.



Projecting the “Third Tirana” of the 21-st Century
Building Tirana’s Green Future
Prof .Dr.Besnik Aliaj

Artikuj Shkencorë

Tirana between Historicism & Avangardism
The third Tirana
Doc. Sotir Dhamo

Tirana Northen Corridor International Competition

Competition Brief

GRIMSHAW ARCHITECTS/ Building Tirana’s Green Future

DAR / Dar’s Tirana North

WEST 8 / Let Tirana Breathe

KCAP/Axis of Gentle Heroism

GMP/ Tirana Green and Smart City

CinoZucchiArchitetti/A Flowing Boulevard, an Urban River

AS&P / A Green Boulevard for the 21st Century

Korça City CenterInternational Competition

BOLLES+WILSON / Masterplan Korça City Centre

DOMUS/ Reconnecting Korça


51N4E/ Korça City CenterMasterPlan

Artikuj Shkencorë

Kondensimi në sistemet e fasadave të avancuara. Diagrami Glaser
Ark.Endrit Tuzi

Mbi Propocionet dhe Format Racionale të Strukturave Inxhinierike
Feti Selmani, Niko Pojani, Musa  Stavileci

 Mjeshtër i arkitekturës së shekullit të njëzetë
Doc. Dr. Arben Shtylla

 Për Surrealizmin Socialist të Qendros
Besim Tula

AUA- Unioni Shqiptar i Arkitekteve,Urbanisteve dhe Planifikuesve

Deklarata Publike – A ka nevojë për të patur një Urdhër?