Tourism for Landscape

Tourism for Landscape

150 150 Sadmira Malaj

Tourism for Landscape ENRICO PORFIDO

ISBN: 978-9928-4459-1-9
DOI: 10.37199/o41003115
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author:  PhD researcher Enrico Porfido
Affiliation:  Polis University

Tourism plays a fundamental role in our society, economically, socially and environmentally. But how to relate tourism and heritage, for building a solid and productive relationship between this two elements? This paper explores the concept of sustainable tourism in order to apply it in the Albanian context, and tries to create a strong connection between the protected area system - for both natural and cultural heritage - and tourism - conceived as economic and social resource. The main objective is to show that the development of tourism in protected areas, not always causes destruction and exploitation, but that it can also start the development of strategic processes in specific territories. In its final part, this paper aims to define possible guidelines for the development of Seman region, based on tourism and its protected area.

Publisher: Polis_press

Albanian law on protected areas no.8906 dated 06.06.2002 / Ligj per zonat e mbrojtura nr. 8906, date 6.6.2002

Aliaj, B., Janku, E., Allkja, L., Dhamo, S. (2014) Albania 2030 Manifesto. Tirana: POLIS press.

Buckley, R. (2003) Case Studies in Ecotourism. Cambridge: CABI publishing. Croatian law on Nature Protection, published on the Official Gazette 30/94 in 1983 / Zakon o zastitiprirodeNarodnenovine30/94, 1983.