Tirana’s landscape through the lens of time, space and movement LAURA PEDATA

Tirana’s landscape through the lens of time, space and movement LAURA PEDATA

150 150 Sadmira Malaj

Tirana’s landscape through the lens of time LAURA PEDATA

ISBN: 978-9928-175-52-6
DOI: 10.37199/o41001113
ISSN: 2959-4081

Authors:  PhD Researcher Laura Pedata
Affiliation: Polis University, Tirana Albania

My mental journey starts along the Tirana-Durres corridor, on the top floor one of the industrial buildings that define the Albanian manufactured landscape2 along the rarefied urban perimeter of the city - product of the fast economic growth of Tirana after the Nineties - reconverted in a Secondary school of architecture.

Publisher: Polis_press

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