The Fifth Landscape: A Transdisciplinary Approach To interpreting Perceptual Landscape Transformations?

The Fifth Landscape: A Transdisciplinary Approach To interpreting Perceptual Landscape Transformations?

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A Transdisciplinary Approach To interpreting Perceptual Landscape Transformations?


Author: Diego Repetto, Fabrizio Aimar
Affiliation: Diego Repetto Studio, Polis University

The conception of “Fifth Landscape” (Repetto & Aimar, 2021) originates from the presentation ‘Fifth Landscape/Landscape 5.0’ held by Diego Repetto at the conference ‘Shaping the City: A Forum for Sustainable Cities and Communities’, ‘Culture for Sustainable Cities’ section, organised by the European Cultural Centre in 2018. It is a fresh implementation and evolutionary development of the concept of Fourth Landscape (non-proft association Quarto Paesaggio, 2013), and an homage to Gilles Clément’s well-known Third Landscape (2004). If Clément defnes the ‘Tiers paysage’ [Third Landscape] as “… made up of all the places left behind by man” (Clément, 2004:1) and exhorts to consider the “… the inherent mechanics of the Third Landscape - as an engine of evolution” pointing out the necessity to “teach the engines of evolution …” (ibid., 24), subsequent elaborations derive their substance from this evolutionary nature and reworking of the landscape waste. Indeed, the Fourth Landscape uses art as an engine to stimulate citizens participation in the refection on the meaning of the suburban landscape and their role in this re-appropriation and re-interpretation, as the urban landscape is also a common good (CR Florence Foundation, 2018).

Publisher: Polis_press

Reference List
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