TAW 2022 as a Vantage Observatory of an International Phenomenon. The Horizontal Dimension of Verticality.

TAW 2022 as a Vantage Observatory of an International Phenomenon. The Horizontal Dimension of Verticality.

150 150 Valerio Perna

TAW 2022 as a Vantage Observatory of an International Phenomenon

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37199/f410020021

Author: Fabrizio Aimar, Ermal Hoxha, Keti Hoxha
Affiliation: POLIS University, Tirana

Tirana Architecture Weeks (TAW) is an international academic, professional, cultural, and social event, organized every two years by POLIS University, which aims to promote international knowledge related to art and architectural practices, sciences of the city, and research activities, starting from the Albanian context, reaching the international stage across Europe and other countries. The edition of this year was focused on the thematic “Going High! The pros- and cons- of City verticalization”, related to the recent development of the urban context of Tirana, through the rapid increase of the high-rise buildings in the urban landscape, a phenomena-taking place worldwide.

Publisher: Polis_press