Science and Urban Planning In Times of Climate Crises

Science and Urban Planning In Times of Climate Crises

150 150 Valerio Perna

Science and Urban Planning In Times of Climate Crises


Author: Alessandro Melis
Affiliation: University of Portsmouth

Curated by Skender Luarasi and Valerio Perna, the Tirana week on Science and the City, in the Era of Paradigm Shifts was among the most signifcant events of 2020, as I believe it anticipated a pivotal research trend of the next few years. Science, understood as a manifestation of transdisciplinarity, will result in architecture, traditionally enclosed in its own disciplinary niche, opening up to a variety of possibilities for the beneft of community resilience, understood as the capacity of urban settlements to respond positively to the challenges of environmental crises (Melis & Medas, 2021).

Publisher: Polis_press


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