Re-thinking the city through strategic urban projects ROMEO FARINELLA

Re-thinking the city through strategic urban projects ROMEO FARINELLA

150 150 Sadmira Malaj

Re-thinking the city through strategic urban projects ROMEO FARINELLA

ISBN: 978-9928-175-52-6
DOI: 10.37199/o41001103
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author:  Prof. Romeo Farinella
Affiliation:Department of Architecture, IDAUP University of Ferrara

In Europe the experience of urban design, in its best expressions, has highlighted three different operative levels tightly bound to each other. First of all, the definition of a program through which to interpret the political, economic and operative will of the different actors -both private and public-, followed by the launch of policies aiming at creating consensus; equally important are the reflections and experimentations about the rules of urban construction; last, but not least, communicative and consensus-building strategies are to be pointed out for projects dealing with big communities and various actors and interests (Portas, 1998).
Obviously, urban projects acquire meaning and legitimacy if included in wider strategies concerning the future of a city. Very briefly,  might say that urban project are structured around two axes: one concerning the “process”, with all its socio-economic and cultural implications, and the second one concerning the “morphology” and so the control of physical space.

Publisher: Polis_press

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