Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Lezha City KRISTIANA MECO

Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Lezha City KRISTIANA MECO

150 150 Sadmira Malaj

Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Lezha City KRISTIANA MECO

ISBN: 978-9928-347-10-7
DOI: 10.37199/o41008107
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Kristiana Meco
Affiliation: POLIS University

This paper is oriented and is part of the research on the discovery, to discover and create a revitalization of Lezha which has been left in oblivion. Lezha is a city with historical and cultural values which have many years remained unrestored. This paper will focus more on how these cultural monuments can be brought back to attention. The methodology used shows how through new methods we will be able to revitalize the city of Lezha. The objective is how a network of identification of these values will be created and their restoration without intervening without breaking the history, but preserving and developing this history. The aim is how the city of Lezha will connect these points as a cultural network and as monuments that need to be restored because over the years nothing has been done about them. The restoration will be done after they are well analyzed where they have problems and how they should be repaired. These monuments play an important role in the transfer of cultural identity. When monuments or heritage buildings are degraded, damaged, or physically destroyed; could not function better; or require new design components, careful preservation is a key, ensuring that the original dignity of a structure is preserved. As a result, heritage is a concept that covers many areas, whether cultural or community, but is also related to the community. Especially in the city of Lezha, to make various interventions, there must be a well-thought-out plan of what will be restored and what will not. if it will be only historic dwellings which have been damaged or along with them and monuments. When we decide to restore the apartment, we will need to interact with the community.

Publisher: Polis_press

Reference List

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