New Dimensions of Urban Living ANTONELLO STELLA

New Dimensions of Urban Living ANTONELLO STELLA

150 150 Sadmira Malaj

New Dimensions of Urban Living ANTONELLO STELLA

ISBN: 978-9928-175-52-6
DOI: 10.37199/o41001102
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author:  Prof. PhD. Antonello Stella
Affiliation:Department of Architecture, IDAUP University of Ferrara

It can certainly be asserted that the concept of evolution in the space / time of the city has changed profoundly in the history of the city at a given moment of its evolution: or at the time in which the machinery and, with it, the concept of velocity has entered the urban panorama. And this event is located precisely not only in the history of the cities but of the same evolutionary history of man, in between the XVIII (eighteenth) and the IXX (nineteenth) century or in that of the Industrial Revolution that has so profoundly changed human life and the look of one of the most important aggregative forms of social life. Even more precisely, it can be stated that the structure of the city and the perception of it have undergone a profound change with the entrance of the machine itself in the space of the city, namely with the advent of the railway that can be located exactly in between the second and third decade of the XIX (nineteenth) century.

Publisher: Polis_press

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