Liminality Articulations in Territorial Development: A Research On Biopolitics And Property Right Theories

Liminality Articulations in Territorial Development: A Research On Biopolitics And Property Right Theories

150 150 Armela Reka

Liminality Articulations in Territorial Development: A Research On Biopolitics

ISBN: 978-9928-347-01-5
DOI: 10.37199/o41006103
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Artan Kacani
Affiliation:  Polis University

Liminality has two main definitions. The first definition is related to the position between consciousness and the supraliminal on the one hand, and un-consciousness and the subliminal on the other. The second definition is related to the dimensions in-between. Starting from this last definition, the paper investigates the structural articulations of the dimensions in-between and its similarities with territorial development. Indeed, territorial development happens with a level of human consciousness, and it includes all the dimensions in-between the liminality: time, space and subjects in it; from individuals, groups, society, and state. The paper's aim is to investigate on a probabilistic way the articulations of liminality dimensions, and consequently the results of the territorial development and its similarities with the property rights theories. The limits of the research are defined by the liminality dimensions, number of articulations, and the level of consciousness. The higher the number of articulations is, the higher would the consciousness of territorial development be. Fewer articulations there are, the more authoritarian would territorial development be. The probabilistic results with two articulations give 16 models of interactions. Each model is correlated to property rights theories and various definitions of biopolitics. The research represents a first attempt to catalogue forms of territorial sovereignty, values, land, and models. Researchers are invited to reflect and contribute to the exploration of a broader number of articulations in order to produce new models of territorial development.

Publisher: Polis_press

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