Introduction from the Editors. Venturing into the Age of AI: Insights and Perspectives

Introduction from the Editors. Venturing into the Age of AI: Insights and Perspectives

150 150 Valerio Perna

Introduction from the Editors. Venturing into the Age of AI

ISSN: 2227-7994

Authors: Valerio Perna, Ledian Bregasi
Affiliation: POLIS University

In recent times, the term “intelligence” has gained considerable popularity, permeating numerous spheres encompassing actions, practices, processes, and products. This pervasive presence within contemporary discourse can be attributed to two pivotal factors. Primarily, there has been a paradigmatic shift in our comprehension of intelligence, transcending the notion of it being exclusively confined to humans, but rather acknowledging its manifestation in diverse emerging properties and conditions present in both human and non-human entities. Secondly, intelligence is now perceived as a multifaceted nexus, interlinking a ‘brain’ (whether human or non-human), a corporeal form, and the complex environmental contexts in which this embodiment exists.
Within architectural circles, there is an ongoing exploration of various “intelligent” tools, encompassing diverse AI languages, generative adversarial networks, and text-to-image tools. These
endeavours seek to comprehend how non-human intelligence can be harnessed to address contemporary urban challenges and concerns. Simultaneously, careful consideration is being given
to the potential benefits and risks that arise from the utilization of such tools in urban centers and cities. The field of architecture is undergoing rapid transformation due to the incorporation
of cutting-edge digital technologies, particularly the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various aspects of design, representation, and production. Considering the already substantial impact of AI in fields such as engineering, social sciences, and political sciences, it becomes imperative for architecture to adopt a critical approach to understanding and evaluating the implications of these transformative technologies within its domain. By doing so, architecture can effectively navigate and harness the potential benefits while addressing any challenges that may arise from the integration of AI in its practices [...]

Publisher: Polis_press