Difficulties and innovation in GIS application at Dropull PPV case

Difficulties and innovation in GIS application at Dropull PPV case

150 150 Armela Reka

Difficulties and innovation in GIS application at Dropull PPV case

ISBN: 978-9928-347-01-5
DOI: 10.37199/o41006107
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Amanda Terpo
Affiliation:  Polis University

The plan of Dropull was a two-year project undertaken by Polis university in April of 2017. Afer the new administrative reform that reorganized the country into 61 municipalities had just taken place, the General Local Territorial Plans (GLTP-s) were the first plans that these newly established territories would have. Dropull municipality was not included in the public offering for the development of these plans, rather they contacted POLIS university to aid them in the process as a new municipality. The plan faced many challenges, but this paper will only deal with the data gap during the planning process and the mixed methodology created to address this gap. For Dropull municipality the planning process was challenging due to lack of data, cadaster registration problems, shrinking population and property conflicts. The main objective of this process was to have substantial data in order to facilitate the planning and decision making process. These challenges were to be addressed by using GIS mainly oriented toward online data record and overlay of information in order to bring together both quantitative data and its geographical location. The research was the most substantial part of plan, since they had to deal with a merit of actors and agencies in a coordinated effort to contextualize the planning process for this municipality. The use of GIS was a new challenge, since the municipality had no previous experience with it, and their information was fragmented and mainly cartographic. The main purpose of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge sustainable development approaches and multilevel decision-making, and at the same time enrich the territorial information and enable a development strategy based on the realities and interests of the municipality.

Publisher: Polis_press

Reference List

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