An Integrated Inhabiting: What Are We Talking About When We Talk About It

An Integrated Inhabiting: What Are We Talking About When We Talk About It

150 150 Valerio Perna

An integrated inhabiting: What are we Talking About When we Talk About it


Author: Luciano De Bonis, Giovanni Ottaviano
Affiliation: Molise University

Starting from the consideration of (also) verticalization processes as one of the expressions of a declining, dis-integrating way to conceive human settlements, and based on two fundamental premises - (i) the long-lasting crisis of functionalist housing, and (ii) the emerging fading of the clear distinction between town and countryside - the paper proposes instead the prospect of a re-integration and reticularization of living-production-enjoying places. Concerning the above prospect, some relevant practices are treated, which show more or less significant traces of self-sustainable developments, able to strictly relate the housing with a range of other integrated activities.

Publisher: Polis_press


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