Amphibious Devices / Interventions that adapt to land and water in the protected area of Bask-Rrjoll, Shkodra

Amphibious Devices / Interventions that adapt to land and water in the protected area of Bask-Rrjoll, Shkodra

150 150 Armela Reka

Amphibious Devices / Interventions that adapt to land and water in the protected area

ISBN: 978-9928-4459-9-5
DOI: 10.37199/o41004118
ISSN: 2959-4081

Author: Gerdi Papa
Affiliation:  Polis University

Albania went through an unprecedented population movement that followed the change of regime after 1990. A movement that manifested itself both internally and internationally, it had a huge impact on Albanian cities and territory. What is known today commonly as the informal settlements, those buildings came as a result of lack of control by the local authorities which were unable to either stop or direct development and the need for housing that followed the movement. This meant that the landscape and territory suddenly became overrun by self-built homes or business that changed the urban, rural and natural landscape. Many of these developments where pulled by the western cost which offered the possibility for a quick return in tourism. The protected landscape of Bune-Velipoja and in particular the area of Bask-Rjoll have become a hotspot also for the agricultural possibilities offered, thus starting the first settlements that would go and change the landscape itself. The result of human behavior and interaction in landscape has caused damage to its biodiversity and flora and fauna. By understanding how the population movement have affected the settling and quality of the landscape, the aim of this paper is to propose seemingly disconnected interventions that aim at preserving landscape, flood resilience, coastal erosion prevention and emphasizing the qualities of the landscape in order to re-evaluate the landscape as a touristic attraction. By including communities and giving them a sense of belonging to the landscape these preservations processes can become regenerative tools.

Publisher: Polis_press

Reference List

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