Municipality Project Redefining the Identity of Finiq: A Systemic Approach to Urban Resilience and Sustainable Development

Municipality Project Redefining the Identity of Finiq: A Systemic Approach to Urban Resilience and Sustainable Development

150 150 Sadmira Malaj
ISBN: 978-9928-347-15-2
DOI: 10.37199/o41009117

Municipality Project Redefining the Identity of Finiq: A Systemic Approach to Urban Resilience and Sustainable Development

Author: Sadmira Malaj, Dejvi Dauti, Dr. Keti Hoxha, Remijon Pronja
Affiliation: PhD IDAUP/ POLIS University

This paper will discuss the challenges and potential of the Municipality of Finiq, a region in southern Albania rich in natural, historical, and cultural features; at the same time, however, facing severe degradation and loss of identity. Drawing inspiration from the myth of the Phoeniciae, this study introduces the concept "Re-Invention," which symbolizes the desire of this municipality to reconstruct itself by way of transformation. This would be described as an interrelated population decline, isolation, and a lack of spatial hierarchy that characterizes the Finiq community and its surrounding settlements. Amongst these, the key problems iden- tified are the abandonment of residential structures and poor quality public spaces, which are contributing to an unstructured spatial configuration of this area. In this paper, a methodology for revitalizing these public spaces is presented by re-identifying and amplifying the hidden identity of Finiq Municipality. It includes an approach based on the integration of local tradi- tions, realizing immediate needs of the community in which one lives, so as to create a new sense of place and cohesion. This research delivers a framework for sustainable development that may contrast the continuous decline of recovering at least part of the historical and cultural importance of the area by unveiling its hidden identity.

Keywords: city identity, public spaces, sustainable development

Publisher: Polis_press


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