Re-inventing through re-finding. Riparian agriculture for environmental system revitalization marking a new identity for lower shrinkage and isolation in Finiq

Re-inventing through re-finding. Riparian agriculture for environmental system revitalization marking a new identity for lower shrinkage and isolation in Finiq

150 150 Sadmira Malaj
ISBN: 978-9928-347-15-2
DOI: 10.37199/o41009111

Re-inventing through re-finding. Riparian agriculture for environmental system revitalization marking a new identity for lower shrinkage and isolation in Finiq

Author: Franceska Korance, Leonora Haxhiu
Affiliation: POLIS University

The paper is a focused exploration of strategies aimed at revitalizing Finiq Municipality's environmental and cultural landscape, with a particular emphasis on riparian agriculture. Located in the southern region of Albania, Finiq possesses remarkable natural, historical, and culinary assets. However, the region grapples with persistent challenges such as population decline, economic stagnation, and cultural identity erosion. This study's core objective is to present innovative strategies centered around riparian agriculture, which can lead to the revitalization of Finiq's environmental systems, foster economic growth, mitigate isolation, and renew the region's cultural identity. The primary aim of this study is to introduce and advocate for riparian agriculture as a transformative force capable of rejuvenating Finiq Municipality's environmental systems, thereby stimulating economic revitalization, reducing isolation, and rekindling the region's cultural identity. This study employs a comprehensive research methodology that encompasses an in-depth examination of Finiq's environmental and cultural assets, an assessment of the challenges facing the region, and an exploration of successful riparian agriculture practices. Insights gained from local engagement and case studies form the basis for the development of strategic recommendations tailored to Finiq's unique context. In terms of the main conclusions derived from the paper, we should highlight the need for the adoption of riparian agriculture which can catalyze environmental restoration, economic growth, and cultural revival in Finiq. Encouraging community-based agricultural initiatives, including cooperatives and farmer markets, can enhance local engagement, promote economic development, and strengthen social bonds. Implementing terrace farming practices in hilly and mountainous areas has the potential to optimize land use, prevent environmental degradation, and support agro-tourism, offering unique products and experiences. Improvements in irrigation and drainage systems are essential to sustain agricultural growth and mitigate flooding concerns. Integrating renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, with agriculture can create additional income streams, enhance energy sustainability, and contribute to Finiq's environmental regeneration.

Keywords: Finiq, municipality, riparian agriculture, irrigation, economical rejuvenation, system revitalization.

Publisher: Polis_press


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