A historical & regional overview of Saranda, and its relations with the Finiq area The beginnings and key moments in the development of the city-region of Saranda

A historical & regional overview of Saranda, and its relations with the Finiq area The beginnings and key moments in the development of the city-region of Saranda

150 150 Sadmira Malaj

A historical & regional overview of Saranda

DOI: 10.37199/o41009101

A historical & regional overview of Saranda, and its relations with the Finiq area
The beginnings and key moments in the development of the city-region of Saranda


Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sotir Dhamo, Prof. Dr. Besnik Aliaj
Affiliation: POLIS University

The history summarised in this article helps to understand the main events and signs of the territory, which marked the beginnings of the settlement, as well as the key mo- ments in the development of the region of Saranda, part of which is also the territory of what is today called Finiq Municipality. Historical analyses serve to place a city, a municipality, or a region in the continuum of space-time connections. Thus, the history of the region of Saranda, and the surrounding territories, is told in function of the purpose of the last issue of this sci- entific magazine (OMB Journal) that focuses on the territory of Finiq municipality. Finiq serves as a kind of agricultural support area, and a hinterland background for the city of Saranda (the main urban gravity in this territory surrounded by sea and mountains). The short article does not pretend to be a detailed history of the city and region. But key moments of history follow various names to the city and its surrounding area, and this helps to better understand the relation to the main happening events associated with them. The following material refers mainly to documents written by authors such as Hodges (2007, 2011), Ceka (2002, 2006), as well as other authors cited in the text.

Publisher: Polis_press


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