Playful Design Strategies. The Introbots Experience

Playful Design Strategies. The Introbots Experience

150 150 Valerio Perna

Playful Design Strategies. The Introbots Experience

ISBN: 978-9928-347-14-5
DOI: 10.37199/c41000701

Author: Valerio Perna
Affiliation: POLIS University

Western Culture has stigmatized introversion as a less desirable trait of personality especially for designers and people involved in creative activities. According to many studies, an extroverted character is considered a plus and leads to a more successful and satisfying life. But is true that introverts are at a disadvantage?
The Introbots are a group of fluffy and goofy playful artefacts that aim to create an exploration and a commentary of what it means to be introverted and to pave the way for educators and students to reflect on the misconception that extroversion is positive and introversion is a disadvantage to be corrected.
In 2018, they were the protagonists of a workshop at the School of Architecture (SOU) in Favara children, when they were used to sensibilize the young students to the topic of introversion and to empower them to design more inclusive playground and urban spaces in the urban environments.
The chapter discusses the results of that experience and implicitly shows how the relationship between play and learning is not unilateral but rather biunivocal, and the playful artefacts are not just mere instruments but real tools that can help us to disclose the power of play when it comes to the design of our urban landscapes.

Keywords: Playfulness, research through design, introversion, intelligent artefacts, architecture and children.

Publisher: Polis_press