Issues of the Territorial-Administrative Reform in Albania. A comparative analysis on the progress of reform with other formerly-centralized economies: Estonia and Moldova. Prof. Dr. Besnik ALIAJ, Dr. Ledio ALLKJA

Issues of the Territorial-Administrative Reform in Albania. A comparative analysis on the progress of reform with other formerly-centralized economies: Estonia and Moldova. Prof. Dr. Besnik ALIAJ, Dr. Ledio ALLKJA

150 150 Sadmira Malaj
DOI: 10.37199/c41000121

Author: Prof. Dr. Besnik ALIAJ, Dr. Ledio ALLKJA
Affiliation: POLIS University


Albania has gone through different reforms of decentralization and territorial
administrative since the 1990s. Especially after 2013, these reforms have reshaped the layout
of the local territorial administration in Albania. The outcomes of these reforms nevertheless remain questionable. Additionally, considering the EU integration process, the regionalization reform and the regional development reform are still in a critical juncture. This paper analyses the main events during the territorial administrative reform and the regionalization process in Albania. Its analysis tries to highlight the main issues and some recommendations for future action to deepen decentralization and improve local governance in Albania. This is done by comprehensive analysis of the reform based on research and contribution of POLIS University 1 and Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development 2 as key local stakeholders. In addition, the Albanian case (Western Balkan Countries) is compared to 2 other case studies of formerly centralized economies (Eastern-Europe) with relatively similar historic stability problematics, economic background, and country/population size, but with geographic location differences (South, North, East) and other differences, such as with regard European integration progress. This includes Estonia (Baltic Countries) and Moldova (Eastern Partnership Countries). Then the comparison is done via i) Local administrative reform; ii) Regionalization and regional development; iii) Analysis of the reform and its challenges; iv) and a matrix-based qualitative conclusion. Albanian case includes desk and field work, while Estonian and Moldavian cases are based on desk research.


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