The peripheral areas, a new classification for Tirana. Ema MEÇOLLARI

The peripheral areas, a new classification for Tirana. Ema MEÇOLLARI

150 150 Sadmira Malaj
DOI: 10.37199/c41000113

Affiliation: POLIS University

The peripheral areas of Tirana have witnessed a significant development in recent years, reflecting the rapid urbanisation of the city and population growth. The expansion of the city, especially after the 1990s, combined with insufficient legislation to regulate territorial growth, has led to the emergence of informal settlements on the outskirts of Tirana. Consequently, a double city has been formed, with differences between the center and the periphery in terms of urban structures, types of development, resident population, etc. Despite this, it should be noted that the peripheral regions are closely connected to Tirana and are considered an important part of the city's urban structure. Since the suburbs are not separated from the core of the city, it is difficult to tell where they begin and end. Therefore the exact definition of a suburb still remains a question: what exactly constitutes a suburb and how does it differ from the city center in terms of characteristics? This study aims to redefine the concept of the periphery based on different theoretical frameworks and identify the peripheral areas of Tirana through a Geographic Information System (GIS) anal- ysis to determine their distinctive features.

By explaining the concept of the periphery, this thesis presents a comprehensive and detailed un- derstanding of the periphery and related terms. Also, the thesis presents an innovative approach by developing an integrated matrix of indicators that will be integrated into the GIS system, serv- ing as a tool for similar studies in Albania.

The objective of the study is to provide guidance to planning institutions and stakeholders, wheth- er public or private, to identify peripheral areas and implement appropriate policies and strategies for their sustainable development.

Publisher: Polis_press


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