Docklands engine in transition/ Hybrid identity towards new urbanity
Author: Silvia Lupini
Affiliation: UNICAM . Università degli Studi di Camerino, Italy
Docklands move in transition from old uses toward new urbanity at the border between city and sea. The process of change of these areas began decades ago. Nevertheless, as unstable sites they present a series of characteristics that are inherent to the understanding of this process: the size, the vitality, the short term conquests, the location, the overlapping of city and port, the presence of infrastructure, the network of relationships, the identity (meaning a presence in a map), and the wish of beauty as a possible outcome in the near future. Spontaneous transformation usually affects relatively small sites, which can be a reference for larger developments. The vitality of a fraction of the whole area offers the chance to further develop the economy of a system. It seems a contradiction when we have spoken for decades of forgotten, derelict, abandoned spaces. Understanding that beside being abandoned and forgotten most of them are beyond the interest of investors and developers is a key to uncover their opportunities; Often the regeneration and development plans seem to think and act big: mainly the intention is to achieve a long-term vision through longterm initiatives, at extremely high costs. Experience shows how unsteady and dynamic areas can be activated instead through small initiatives, that lead them to grows dynamically and adapting to change.
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