The Post-Pandemic, The Post-War, the City In Transition
Author: Nataša Pelja Tabori
Affiliation: Institute for Canton Planning
Global pandemic is a special challenge for Sarajevo, the post-war and the city in transition in Europe. Like stranded Noah’s
ark, the city with still visible war wounds and with no foundations for sustainable spatial planning system yet constructed, will probably have zero resilience for future catastrophes and pandemics. Unsatisfactory outcomes of the spatial planning system analysis for Sarajevo directs us to understand seriousness of our present situation and to think to make a turning point towards re-evaluation of our creation, in order to renew and prepare our city to survive future catastrophes. It should not be only a matter of disaster resilience, but a path towards sustainable European 21 century city. Our symbiosis with other species is one of the future scenarios for a city in transition, because uncontrolled urban sprawl is threatening not only human made systems. Our consciousness of planning in the Western Balkans will have to change dramatically towards nature preservation and controlled urban development to enable our cities to become healthy, fertile, and functional environments again. In absence of spatial planning strategies, land use plans, and bylaws in accordance with TA2030, post-pandemic period might become the critical moment for Sarajevo to begin procedures of creating sustainable spatial planning system.
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